Credit cards comparison can be challenging, with large numbers of offers each with different features and details. This article will present some of the more important ways to compare competing offers and get what's best for your needs.
Firstly, it is important to realize that since different people have very different financial situations and needs, there is no single "best card". When researching card comparisons it is easy to find articles and other advice which attempt to tell you that one particular card is "best". Please realize that any such information is at best incorrect, and is usually trying to make you believe something which is likely to be against your best interests.
So before even looking at different offers, it is best to begin by looking at your own financial situation and needs for the near future. Is it best for you to save paying interest on existing borrowing, or do you need cash available soon for a particular purpose? What categories of purchases do you spend most money on which could give you benefits from certain reward offers? Do you travel by air a lot, or do you spend a lot on gas? Look at these, and other aspects of your finances so you can keep in mind what's likely to be best for you, as you compare cards.
One of the most useful offers for some people is 0% interest for an initial period (typically a year). There are two main ways this can be used if the zero interest refers to balance transfers (sometimes it refers to purchases only). Firstly, it can be used to avoid paying any interest on existing borrowing which you transfer into the new account. Secondly if you transfer the available capital to a savings bank account you can make a profit. Obviously, if you have existing borrowing, you are likely to save more by avoiding paying the interest, than the profit you will make from a savings account, so be sure to carefully think through the different options.
Rewards are another important are to consider when comparing. Cash back can be useful particularly if higher percentages are offered on a category in which you spend a lot such as gas. Air miles can be another advantage if you use air travel frequently. Other rewards include special deals on certain purchases, free gifts and even payments towards a mortgage.
Credit cards comparison can be complex, but if you start from your own financial needs, then find which benefits fit your needs best, can be made easy.
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